Friday, March 12, 2010

There she is....our new wheels! And I am loving it! So much space and room to move around without having to climb over anyone or anything!
Only part of the crew wanted to get in and explore! We are all moved in now and I will have to update when I get a picture of all the car seats in it. We are ALL enjoying the space!
We decided to go with a 15-passenger instead of the 12 for more cargo room. We are planning on taking out the very back seat that sits 4 to make room for groceries and Sam's runs. We also are looking forward to traveling and putting suitcases and such back there!

Come and see us and we'll take you for a spin! :)

1 comment:

  1. Jeff wants to know what you named her! And you know the more cargo room is just code word for more kids!!! Just kidding, your new ride is awesome and I'm so glad it can fit at sonic!
