Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Naval Aviation Museum

Any future pilots in the making? Don't get mad - this may be our Christmas picture - so act surprised! The kids are all actually looking somewhat happy and decent!! :)
I decided to take the kiddos to the aviation museum one day while it was cloudy and rainy. It is only about 10 minutes from our condo - so we will be frequenting it more than once! The kids were in awe at the size. We didn't make it very far into the museum before the pictures started! It wouldn't be a true trip to the air museum if we didn't have some Blue Angel pilot pictures.

The kids really like the red airplane!!!

What a ham!

After the Blue Angel stop - there was a huge playset available for 5 very cooped-up children to run free and spread their wings!

We spent a large amount of our time here! Run free my children!!!

A-Hoy Matee!

H raised the flag to announce that the ship had become overtaken by Batchelor Children!

Watch out - yummy has the controls!

Another plane the kids were really into!

A patriotic shot!

Anchors aweigh!
Even the big kids got in on the fun! Daddy was able to meet us at the museum and expain some very technical things to the children! Glad mommy didn't have to! I must admit - I forced this picture and told Ryan to be a good sport and smile! :)

1 comment:

  1. Precious! Wish I could hug and kiss each one of them right now.

