Caylor Lindy Batchelor
Born April 4, 2010 at 4:30pm
9lbs, 10 oz 19 inches long
Caylor came with great gusto! Being Easter Sunday, we were at church when the contractions started - again! So ignore and move on was my motto this time around. The contractions will persist if it were to be the real thing! By the time we got home, I sunk into bed and tried to get comfy - huh! I moved to my bath tub to try and get "more comfy". By this time the contactions were intense and close together - time to go by 3:00pm! Of course, being Batchelor-Style, we hadn't packed our bag yet, so Ryan scrambled to get some things put together. We headed off in the car with 4 of the 5 kids left at home with fevers! About 7 minutes later we had to turn around because we had forgotten the camera - and we all KNOW that is not going to work! I also hadn't downloaded my Easter pictures from that morning, but there was no time for that - I wanted my Epidural NOW!!!
I got to the Birth Center and they immediately took me back and started assessing me. I rated my pain at a 5 only because I knew it would get much worse if I DIDN'T GET MY EPIDURAL SOON!!! I was checked and told I was alreay at a 6 - so then I wanted to change my pain scale to about an 8! EPIDURAL LADY - WHERE ARE YOU??? They did their best to get it going, however, it was not destined to happen! Ugh - another birth filled with humour memories due to this crazy lady when she is in pain!
To save all the "lovely" details, Caylor was born healthy and strong. She had a poop in utero - so they did bring in the Big Wig Dr. but she was fine! She even got an 8 on her first Apgar and then a 9 on her second one!
Oh dear, this almost makes me want to have another!! :) Yay for another girl, boo for no epidural! You are one tough momma, Jenny! She is such a sweetie.