Wednesday, May 13, 2009


So no pictures this post, just a funny little conversation I thought other mommies might enjoy. This particular conversation was between my eldest son, G, and I with the other listening as we walked.

Setting: We just took an elderly lady some balloons in the hospital, a lady that the children know from my Tues. morning Bible Study. E was a little nervous when I told her the previous night that we had to pray for her because she was in the hospital. I thought it would do her some good to see that Ms. Dolly was fine and wasn't going to be going to heaven to be with Jesus quite yet!

We were walking out from the hospital and E starts asking questions about the bed Ms. Dolly was in. Such as - Mommy did she bring that bed from home? Where did she get it from? Was someone else laying in it before her? And the list goes on...

So G pipes in: I thought it was pretty cool they way she had her phone and the remote control in her bed mommy.
Me: Oh yeah, did that look like fun?
G: Yes, why did she have those things in her bed with her?
Me: Well, she probably had them there so she didn't have to get up to get them a lot.
G: Oh, she was relaxing?
Me: Yes probably before we came in.
G: Oh, like you like to do - relax on the couch?!
:) :) :) :) :) :) :)


  1. Hmmm... maybe if you count nursing a baby - the only time we sit down! :)

  2. Yep, that's all a mom of 5 really does, watch the soaps and eat bon bons!

  3. The truth comes out! Jenny is actually human and needs rest! ;) I'm wondering when G will ask about having his own bed decked out with such amenities?
